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Trumps Speech

How I Wrote Elastic Man

How I Wrote Elastic Man

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"He's done a very good job thus far"
The Donald's verdict on SKS


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I'll give Trump credit though for seeming to take a diplomatic line regarding Keir Starmer in his comments today, at odds with Elon Musk going off on one about him every single day. That was a pleasant surprise.


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Ethnic cleansing? I’d have thought the Jews of all people would be slightly squeamish at that suggestion
Funny you should say that: Former commander of IDF central command wrote that he felt it was impractical. Seem to be quite a lot bothered by it.

I just find it hilarious that supporters of states and affiliated terror groups dedicated to the ethnic cleansing of Israelis and Jews more widely don't seem to see the irony at play of condemning the President for mirroring their goals after decades of them trying and failing. Doubly hilarious that the guy who put the idea on the table isn't Jewish.

I wonder whether restoring the human right of Gazans to choose to flee conflict like in other conflicts might be at the heart of the move? The Arab-Israeli conflict is unique in the use of questions over right to return as an argument to deny people the right to flee conflict.


Active Member
What do people think about Trump's suggestions for Gaza?
Jordan and Egypt are firmly against the idea. As are Gazans understandably. Many are returning now (or attempting to) but I've read that 60% of the country is in ruins.
Perhaps like Greenland he sees a real estate opportunity somehow or he is trying to set up an idea that some countries might be persuaded to take in 'some' Gazans.

I'm still waiting to see what he is going to say about Ukraine (said he'd sort it in a day). I assume, given what he has said about Israel/Gaza then he will have a similar stance about that. Same as (or nation state) boundaries.or identities are not important in his view of world geography (unless the US....because at the end of the day people are just 'moveable'? That's what's happened after all in wars throughout history. People shift and leave for good. They have little choice practically.

What surprised me perhaps most is that I imagine having brokered the ceasefire (which he claimed he did) then why say what he has, which surely will have a weakening effect on an already uncertain ceasefire?

Will see if his 'strategy' becomes clearer in the coming months (likewise his determination to expel and deport millions in his own country). I also wonder whether the earliest months of his presidency might see him more emboldened to say things and that as time goes on he is less bullish?

We watch on with a range of emotions because it provides a real insight into what could happen in the UK (and Europe) in a matter of a decade. I'm more certain than ever there will be another world war with the way the world is now. Trump is just a forerunner of huge change in the world order.

Enjoy your life the best you can is my advice and don't worry about stuff you can't control and don't get worked up about it lyb. I'm sure you do anyway.

Fen Canary

Funny you should say that: Former commander of IDF central command wrote that he felt it was impractical. Seem to be quite a lot bothered by it.

I just find it hilarious that supporters of states and affiliated terror groups dedicated to the ethnic cleansing of Israelis and Jews more widely don't seem to see the irony at play of condemning the President for mirroring their goals after decades of them trying and failing. Doubly hilarious that the guy who put the idea on the table isn't Jewish.

I wonder whether restoring the human right of Gazans to choose to flee conflict like in other conflicts might be at the heart of the move? The Arab-Israeli conflict is unique in the use of questions over right to return as an argument to deny people the right to flee conflict.
Whilst that particular commander may be against the idea, unfortunately there are plenty of Israelis, including many in government, that would fully support it. When you have cabinet ministers who brag about throwing rocks at Christian worshippers during Easter parades, and whose stated policy is to violently drive Palestinians from their homes in the West Bank to make room for some Jewish yanks that claiming to have some divine right to that territory then personally I don’t see civilised nation, I see a bunch of religious zealots no better than the terrorists of Hamas.
An army thats happy to carpet bomb civilian areas and kill thousands of children in order to hit a few terrorists isn’t worthy of the title. If the RAF had flattened the housing estates of Belfast, butchering thousands of women and children in order to kill Adams and McGuinness there would have been international uproar, especially from the yanks. Why it’s seemingly ok for the IDF to do the same I find very hypocritical.
Don’t lazily think that my criticism of Israel means that I automatically support Hamas because I don’t, they’re a terrorist group to be condemned, although are largely only where they are because of Israeli policy to try and divide the Palestinian leadership and weaken the PA.
I’ll happily admit that my views towards Israel may be affected by the fact the few groups of Israelis I’ve met in my time have been the most thoroughly unpleasant individuals I’ve ever had the misfortune of sharing a room with, the most obnoxious and arrogant wankers you could ever wish to meet, but my sympathies with the conflict do lie with the Palestinians
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I do think Israel has gone backwards in the last 20 years. I've said before that Netanyahu has taken advantage in the West Bank by turning a blind eye to the opportunism of West Bank settlers. It has gone backwards from a position where Israelis were voting for concessions to try and get a lasting peace that Gazans wouldn't have any of. I blame Gaza for derailing the peace process, and I feel very sorry for those in the West Bank who have tried, but been sidelined not only by Israel's government, but also by all the pro-Jihadis who pay far more attention to Gazan pity porn than anything going on in the West Bank.
That, the reasons for peace dropping out of fashion in Israel are and moderate Israeli lawmakers losing traction are understandable, while Palestinians turning their back on a peace process that was actually delivering for them is simply incomprehensible unless you accept the fact that they're just nutters who will never accept any sort of realistic compromise.

All the Israelis I've ever met I've found to be interesting and good company. I guess it's just small sample sets and you can get skewed perceptions either way.

Draw a parallel to Ukraine and I think most people would accept that Ukraine is going to lose land if a peace agreement is made. Should it? Absolutely not, but this is real politic where most sane people agree that concessions for peace are better than people continuing to get killed. But this equation doesn't hold with Gaza; getting your own civilians killed as martyrs is considered a 'win' in the deranged minds of these people. You talk about Gaza being rubble, and it largely is, but Hamas still claim 'victory' and huge crowds of Gazans cheer them on in the rubble. So why the fuck should anybody feel sorry for them? They are collectively insane. If there are any sane people left in Gaza, give them refuge somewhere else out of that Hamas-run hellhole and leave the rest of them to tilt at windmills against Israel.

As far as Gaza is concerned, it has got everything it deserves. The vast bulk of civilians have been complicit in Hamas' activities. They were there cheering in bringing the hostages and they were there jeering and bullying the hostages on their return. Almost every so-called Palestinian 'journalist' in a press vest can be found in other cheery photos with masked Hamas members. They voted to take Hamas as their leaders and now we're alll supposed to feel sorry for them because they supposedly don't have a choice, but we all know that in reality they're all indoctrinated into a mindset for never-ending Jihad.

Israeli soldiers have almost certainly committed atrocities in Gaza. . The Americans did in Vietnam, we did against the Nazis. We did in Afghanistan, executing prisoners where it was too impractical to follow the Geneva convention. That's part of war.

Children have been killed in Gaza, but this 'thousands of children' is just trite propaganda bullshit. Plenty of adults have also been killed, including combatants in the prosecution of a lawful war where the enemy routinely hides behind civilians. Atrocitieis are going on right now in DRC and Sudan. 13 South African UN peacekeepers got killed in Darfur last week, but we hardly heard a peep about that; no Jews involved.

Accusations of Israelis starving people are just very obvious lies. To see that, compare a photo of flag-waving Hamas supporters bullying the hostages as they were being released in the recent ceasefire to the emaciated survivors of Auschwitz .It's an absolute disgrace that anyone makes that false equivalence, let alone the President of Ireland daring to draw that parallel and forcing Irish Jews to sit there quietly as he did at a Holocaust memorial event.

There are so many false comparisons with Israel and Ireland. The IRA never purposely hid themselves among civilians to launch combat operations, they didn't launch missiles from populated residential areas, they didn't keep hostages in UNRWA buildings. The fact is that war on Gaza after October 7th was lawful, Hamas wilfully hid themselves among civilians, in hospitals and so on to make sure that if they were hit then it would be bad PR for Israel. They broke the sanctity of those accords, so why the hell should Israel be expected to fight an enemy that literally wants to wipe it out with one hand tied behind its back?

The Gazans are mad. I read somewhere that condoms were banned the other day, which I couldn't believe, but it turned out to be true. Why? Because Hamas had been weaponising them! Making explosive balloons to send over the border. So they got banned.

i really don't get why people judge Israel so harshly for containing a blood lunatic and openly genocidal enemy. And let's be clear, every one of Israel's enemies has been signed up to genocide against Israelis and Jews since 1948. They're really lucky to have the protection of international law in my view, because they really don't deserve it.

Antisemitism is the most pernicious form of racism going. This year, it was striking that some broadcasters manage to talk about the holocaust while barely mentioning Jews. Good Morning Britian talked about '6 million people' killed, then namechecked Poles, disabled people, and homosexuals as victims without the word Jew coming up at all. Is this a new form of polite holocaust denial the broadcasters are coming up with?

And people ridicule people calling this crazy fetish against Israel antisemitism, but there are so many states infinitely worse than Israel that don't get pilloried and lied about to anything like the extent Israel does. Russia doesn't, Iran doesn't, Pakistan doesn't. It's no coincidence that the most hated and lied about state in the world also happens to be the only Jewish state.

Ultimately, in my own judgement of the conflict, the Arab League could have accepted the partition of Palestine in 1948, but they chose to have a go at 'might is right' instead of diplomacy and negotiation and lost.I see no reason to shed tears for people who pick and choose international law where it suits especialy when they set out to commit the worst crime imaginable like the Arabs did and continue to aspire to.
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