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Dusty Rhodes



Active Member
So sad to see the American Dream pass away yesterday. Another hero gone too soon, only was on WWE a few months ago with his 2 sons, terribly sad news
David Black

David Black

New Member
I was reading a list of deceased former wrestlers and there were loads of names on there. Really sad to see how many have died. I grew up watching it in the late 80's and early 90's when it was the WWF and in my opinion in its prime. I had all the figures as well and the plastic ring lol. Dusty Rhodes was one of my favourite figures with his black leotard thing with yellow polka dots. 

Not really been into it since the late 90's but will watch the odd 'show' if it is on as I am flicking through the channels.


Well-Known Member
Are they dying young due to steroid abuse during their wrestling careers?


Not always, but undoubtedly some of the time. I highly doubt Dusty Rhodes was on steroids though.

This was quite sad, me and my friend spent all that weekend at Download festival doing Dusty Rhodes impressions (no idea why) and then got home to find he was dead.


Active Member
A fair amount of them have, take wrestlers like Eddie and Umaga.. and we all know what happened with Chris Benoit...All seem to have drug abuses that have caused heart problems and mental health problems subsequently


I'm not sure Chris Benoit was drugs. I heard a lot about multiple concussions taking their toll at the time. I know for a fact that since around that time the company have been a lot more cautious with concussions.


Active Member
I'm not sure Chris Benoit was drugs. I heard a lot about multiple concussions taking their toll at the time. I know for a fact that since around that time the company have been a lot more cautious with concussions.
I thought they said it was a mixture, like at the time they found a lot of toxins in his body, and yeah I don't think the frequent flying headbutts helped much!