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Hope all are well - Pinkun future



I couldn't remember what email address I used for my old account (CanaryBoy) so couldn't reset password.

I couldn't help but notice that there is a lot of worry over at the Pink'un at the moment about the future of that site and its forum, I know there's been a long running joke about this being an empty forum etc, that when I created the site there were too many rules, and that a few people don't like Morty and it was perceived to be his forum.

But this could be the perfect opportunity for the owner of this site to introduce himself, make it very clear that he isn't the founder so the rulebook was torn up, remind them that he owns an excellent local Norfolk based business with a specialism in this software, and that Morty doesn't have to be the only mod!

What is the new owners username so I can ping him a PM or tag him?

Number 9

Well-Known Member
I couldn't remember what email address I used for my old account (CanaryBoy) so couldn't reset password.

I couldn't help but notice that there is a lot of worry over at the Pink'un at the moment about the future of that site and its forum, I know there's been a long running joke about this being an empty forum etc, that when I created the site there were too many rules, and that a few people don't like Morty and it was perceived to be his forum.

But this could be the perfect opportunity for the owner of this site to introduce himself, make it very clear that he isn't the founder so the rulebook was torn up, remind them that he owns an excellent local Norfolk based business with a specialism in this software, and that Morty doesn't have to be the only mod!

What is the new owners username so I can ping him a PM or tag him?
Unfortunately, Archant is a dinosaur and the new owners gonna have to make changes to bring it kicking & screaming into 2023.
Businesses have to make a profit.


Staff member
Seems we are the topic of discussion over on the pinkun, so let me address some points raised, as I know some of them pop over for a read, which is nice.

I shall specifically address this weird concept that there is some kind of gestapo style moderation, which is simply untrue, from day one the intention was that this place wouldn't just be another pinkun mainly dominated by people having the same argument / grudge for 20 years.

Three occasions spring to mind where I have had to " moderate", and on each occasion it was someone from the pinkun who was just here to swing their balls about.

Till1010 was following Wiz, God rest his soul, from thread to thread basically bullying him. I told him to please stop it.

Lakey showed up, with his nose in the air, and rather than actually discuss anything football related, he moped around the place saying how awful it all was, and how repressed he was. I private messaged him and asked him to stop it.

And finally, my only ban is Waveney, and that is only when he became personally abusive.

So there we go, that hopefully adresses some of the nonsense, everyone has always been welcome here, just leave your pinkun grudges at the door.

Peace and love.

Number 9

Well-Known Member
Seems we are the topic of discussion over on the pinkun, so let me address some points raised, as I know some of them pop over for a read, which is nice.

I shall specifically address this weird concept that there is some kind of gestapo style moderation, which is simply untrue, from day one the intention was that this place wouldn't just be another pinkun mainly dominated by people having the same argument / grudge for 20 years.

Three occasions spring to mind where I have had to " moderate", and on each occasion it was someone from the pinkun who was just here to swing their balls about.

Till1010 was following Wiz, God rest his soul, from thread to thread basically bullying him. I told him to please stop it.

Lakey showed up, with his nose in the air, and rather than actually discuss anything football related, he moped around the place saying how awful it all was, and how repressed he was. I private messaged him and asked him to stop it.

And finally, my only ban is Waveney, and that is only when he became personally abusive.

So there we go, that hopefully adresses some of the nonsense, everyone has always been welcome here, just leave your pinkun grudges at the door.

Peace and love.
Merry Christmas you filthy animals
Gunvald Larsson

Gunvald Larsson

Well-Known Member
I used to moderate a film forum and that got a bit heated on occasion, but that was nothing compared to the abuse and bile that I see on various football forums. This is the only football forum I use these days and that's because there is none of that rubbish on here.

Happy Christmas :cool:


Seems we are the topic of discussion over on the pinkun, so let me address some points raised, as I know some of them pop over for a read, which is nice.

I shall specifically address this weird concept that there is some kind of gestapo style moderation, which is simply untrue, from day one the intention was that this place wouldn't just be another pinkun mainly dominated by people having the same argument / grudge for 20 years.

Three occasions spring to mind where I have had to " moderate", and on each occasion it was someone from the pinkun who was just here to swing their balls about.

Till1010 was following Wiz, God rest his soul, from thread to thread basically bullying him. I told him to please stop it.

Lakey showed up, with his nose in the air, and rather than actually discuss anything football related, he moped around the place saying how awful it all was, and how repressed he was. I private messaged him and asked him to stop it.

And finally, my only ban is Waveney, and that is only when he became personally abusive.

So there we go, that hopefully adresses some of the nonsense, everyone has always been welcome here, just leave your pinkun grudges at the door.

Peace and love.

I did produce quite a long list of forum rules which was probably unnecessary, so my fault. However as I passed forum ownership many years ago onto somebody who has already successfully run a football forum, that is completely irrelevant now.

(I really am the chap who started this forum, and genuinely forgot what email address I used for my CanaryBoy account) :cool:

As I said on the Pinkun under the username JonnyJonnyRowe, there is a ready made forum here on really good software if Newsquest do the unthinkable and pull the plug, and many of them will already have accounts. It is likely an empty threat, although they do seem to be wielding the banhammer so there may be a few strays looking for a home.

ps. Really cool that I was alerted to your reply to this thread via email.
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Staff member
I get bored of the bullshit pushed around by some, I have literally banned one person in how many years I have been doing this? I have always maintained that everyone is welcome, but leave your pinkun grudge matches on the pinkun. The same old people having the same old argument, year after year, is beyond boring.

They wont bin the pinkun forum.


Well-Known Member
Morty. Even when you are thousands of miles away on the high seas, some people still think that you eat puppies.
Happy Christmas to you all. Craciun Fericit. Un Ani Noua Un Ani Bun for 24

Rock The Boat

Well the Pinkun has shutdown the non-football section which is weird since that was the most active section with the most threads and the most clicks. And now the main site is offering TV listings to fill up its pages as the actual football news is almost non-existent. Hardly surprising when the only journalists are an Irish bloke and a kid who looks about 12 years old. Perhaps all those folks who used to post in the very lively non-football section should move over here.


Well-Known Member
Seems to have given up. Can't access the forum any more. Shame that Norwich killed off it's own forum long ago
Daz Sparks

Daz Sparks

Pinkun seems to be suffering a technical issue, so I've come over here to see if anyone is around. I notice 1 or 2 of the regulars.
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Staff member
Pinkun seems to be suffering a technical issue, so I've come over here to see if anyone is around. I notice 1 or 2 of the regulars.
Welcome! Yeah I think that they are happy to just let the pinkun forum die, which is a shame really.


Staff member
Well the Pinkun has shutdown the non-football section which is weird since that was the most active section with the most threads and the most clicks. And now the main site is offering TV listings to fill up its pages as the actual football news is almost non-existent. Hardly surprising when the only journalists are an Irish bloke and a kid who looks about 12 years old. Perhaps all those folks who used to post in the very lively non-football section should move over here.
Everyone is welcome. And I do this for free, it will always be here.

Wings of a Sparrow

New Member
Hello all
As the Pinkun forum seems to be in the middle of it's own death throes, I have popped over here to dip my feet in!


Staff member
Hello all
As the Pinkun forum seems to be in the middle of it's own death throes, I have popped over here to dip my feet in!
Hi! Despite my chequered past there, its a real shame that they seem happy to just let it die. I guess a business decision, but to be honest, these things really don't take much running.